
Homo Bulla

Anonymous.  Homo Bulla
A naked boy is blowing bubbles, with one leg resting on a skull, a smoking pot on one side, a lily on the other
Nieuwen ieucht spieghel (1617)                     
(New Mirror for Youth)

domingo, 27 de febrero de 2011

Niliaca Parei

Monftra Niliaca Parei. Ulisse Aldrovandi 

 Monstrorum Historia  (Bononiae, 1570)

In the sepulchres of Thebes

'Painting in the Sepulchres of Thebes'
In: "Travels to discover the source of the Nile,
in the years 1768-1773" by James Bruce


Griffin. Wenceslaus Hollar  1663
Print made by David Loggan
Published by Peter Stent  London.

Anatomische Steinstiche

Oesterreicher, Johann Heinrich
Anatomische Steinstiche Oder Bildliche Darstellung des Menschlichen Körpers So Wie Seiner Theile: Begonnen Im Iuni Des Jahres MDCCCXXVII Beendigt Im December Des Jahres MDCCCXXIX
München, 1830 

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Oesterreicher, Johann Heinrich
Anatomische Steinstiche Oder Bildliche Darstellung des Menschlichen Körpers So Wie Seiner Theile: Begonnen Im Iuni Des Jahres MDCCCXXVII Beendigt Im December Des Jahres MDCCCXXIX
München, 1830 


Nuhn, Anton; Wagner, Franz Xaver [Ill.]
Chirurgisch-anatomische Tafeln
Mannheim, [circa 1846] 


Arnold, Friedrich
Anatomische und physiologische Untersuchungen über das Auge des Menschen
Heidelberg ; Leipzig, 1832 


Ernest Haeckel.  Kunstformen der Natur  1904

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

Cetus constelationae

Cetus constelatione
Atlas Coelestis.   Johann G. Doppelmayr.  1742

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Michael and the Fallen Angels


Gustave Doré      
 Milton's Paradise Lost:  "Michael Casts out all of the Fallen Angels"

Ugly Bugs

Ugly Bugs, página hecha por la Oklahoma Microscopy Society

Human and animal

Hawkins, Benjamin Waterhouse / A comparative view of the human and animal frame
[Plate three - Man, the dog and the wild boar, and explanatory text],   pp. 14-15 


Jean Coulon.  Bruxelles, 1947.
Diplôme de gravure :  école de la Cambre, Bruxelles.
Etudie la musique aux cours du soir puis voyage comme musicien avec des troupes de théâtre.
Pratique également la typographie artisanale dans le domaine de l’édition à tirages limités.


BookJ.A.S. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. Paris : E. Plon, 1863. Page 89.
Notesdemon of discovery and of ingenious inventions. It often takes the form of a young woman



J.A.S. Collin de Plancy. Dictionnaire Infernal. Paris : E. Plon, 1863.

A general name for demons. It comes from a Greek word meaning Satan, fallen from heaven, but devil signifies any order of malicious spirits, especially those which are the enemy of man.

miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

Monstrorum Historia memorabilis

Schenck, Johann Georg

Monstrorum Historia memorabilis, monstrosa humanorum partuum miracula, stupendis conformationum formulis ab utero materno errata, vivis exemplis, observationibus et picturis referens. - Francofurti, 1609, ex officina typographico Matthiae Beckeri, impensis viduae Theodori de Bry. 


 5 volume set:
'Dizionario Ragionato di Veterinaria Teorico-Pratica..'
by Francesco Bonsi, 1795.

Miguel Angel

Retrato de Miguel Angel
dibujado por Daniele da Volterra, 1557
Museo Teylers, Haarlem.

martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Saint Anthony

'Saint Anthony Tormented by Demons'
c. 1470–75 by Martin Schongauer at the Metropolitan Museum
(also see previously and Giornale Nuovo)